Plan the stops en route to your teams success

Created in honour of Lean Agile London / Lean Agile Global as part of my talk there last week, I give you the London Subway Retro
Grab a free copy of this retro at the link below and use it in Miro, Mural or pretty much any virtual whiteboard you can think of,
How does it work?
Use the following prompts;
Choose from the following prompts
Circle Line
What keeps coming up again & again?
What feels like we're going round in circles?
Northern Line
The Northern Line has several branches.
Which new directions or "branches" we should explore in how we work?
Central Line
The Central Line runs through the heart of London. What are the core things we do well that we must keep doing?
Jubilee Line
RIP Queen Elizabeth.
What milestones or achievements should we celebrate as a team? Where are we feeling Jubilant?
Metropolitan Line
Metropolitan lines cater to long distance and suburban areas.
What longer term goals do we need to prepare for?
What should we be planning for now?
Happy retrospecting!