Stale questions, stale answers 🥱
This is part 2 of a series around energising those daily meetings. Check out the others in the series for more inspiration
Time for some movie themed questions
Have you noticed any of the following during your daily meetings?
- Disengagement - People seem to be there just to provide their update without being interested in the progress others share
- The same answers coming up, over and over. People seem to be stuck working on the same things, progress is stalling
- It feels like a status report rather than a collaboration session aimed at maximising the chance of the team achieving its goals
Then try some of these movie themed alternative questions.
Note that none of them are about what 'I' did. They are about what 'We' are doing or are going to do as a team.
🎬"Houston, We have a Problem" - Apollo 13 -
What problems are we facing? What do we need to find a solution to?
🎬"Hasta La Vista Baby" - Terminator -
What did we say goodbye to? What have we finished that we want to celebrate?
🎬"Mischief Managed" - Harry Potter
What did we get done that others should be aware of? What did we do that contributed towards the teams goal?
🎬"You can be my wingman anytime" - Top Gun -
Where do I need a wingman today? Where could I do with some help to get something finished?
🎬"You've got a friend in me" - Toy Story
I'm available to help someone today. Who needs some support?
🎬"Do or do not, there is no try" - Star Wars
What are we going to get done today? Where will we do more than try?
🎬“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.” - Lord of the Rings
What are we going to get done with the time given to us today? How will we make today a success?
🎬"In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun" - Mary Poppins
How can we make time for fun today? What would make our work more enjoyable?
🎬 "Avengers Assemble" - Marvel Infinity Wars -
What could we finish today if we assembled together as a team?
Where could we get something over the line with a bit more collaboration?
🎬"Hakuna Matata" - The Lion King
It means no worries. What's concerning us that we need to talk about? How could we move past it together?
Choose your movie / quote, share an image or gif and have your team share their response.
I'm personally a fan of mixing up the questions every month.
What movie themed questions could you ask to mix up your daily meetings?
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